Jeff, now that I think I fully understand what you are seeing, in
looking at some of my files, I notice that when I stop for a short
time (less than 5 minutes), but stay with the bike (so nothing needs
to be found again), that I also see gaps where no data is being
recorded, including no HR data. The time is still being kept,
however, because the total elapsed time for the ride is correct as
compared to my Garmin edge (and in the "entire workout" interval
display under duration, the value in the parenthetical is the correct
overall elapsed time). I have my PT set up to not include 0 in the
cadence average, but to include 0 in the speed and power data. I
don't know whether the HR average is affected by these gaps in the
data. So, I believe I am seeing the same thing you are for short
stops. This doesn't answer the question, but at least you are not
alone. Mark
Post by Jeff AndersonI see flatlined sections where power and cadence are '0', speed is XX and hr
is on a descent while not pedaling. Graph shows this
I see gaps in data where I walked away from the bike to take care of
business / went into a store etc - and I typically have to initiate a
'FIND" in those cases...particularly HR. In fact its usually HR that is
not reading - power data shows up right away - so I'm not gone the 5 minutes
of power down...but long enough to have hr not read anymore and give a "--"
reading. Graph shows this correctly I feel though it seems like it should
all be zero since nothing is being recorded vs an actual 'gap w/ NO data.
The gaps I'm asking about are ones where power/cadence/speed all are "0" /
HR is YYY- and in fact it seems to be when speed is *zero *that initiates can't have zero speed and values for power and cadence right?
Jeff Anderson
Jeff, even though it seems to stop recording, is the overall elapsed
time for the ride when you download correct, with just some flatlined
portions for speed/cadence?
I looked at it. I have it setup to go to sleep in 5 mins (the gaps are
usually less than a minute - as if one is stopping at a stop sign or the
like) ..and to count trip time based on wheel speed. The manual says for
mi, and data = allows trip time to count when wheel speed is registering.
Trip time stops 3 sec. after if speed is not registered.
( ), and data = allows trip time to count as long as a heart rate signal
So if the former is used - does that mean data is stopped being recorded
no wheel speed - yet I can see HR being recorded but not graphed - all
has a gap.
I thought wheel speed would make more sense since no wheel speed then no
power / no cadence but guess that also means no data.
Jeff Anderson
Post by mark mannerHi Jeff, have you taken a look at your Computer Setup Screens on the
PT Computer? Under "Computer Setup 4", the first setting allows you
to determine how many minutes the computer will stay awake after it
stops receiving a speed or HR signal. You can set it for up to 5
minutes. On a subsequent screen under "Computer Setup 4" you can set
whether it stays awake based on receiving a speed or HR signal. It
sounds like you have yours set to go to sleep based on speed, and
perhaps a short time frame (like 1 minute). If I am missing your
problem, sorry for the tangent. If this is the problem, then you can
either increase the time to the maximum 5 minutes if based on speed,
or change it to continue to record as long as it is receiving a HR
Good luck, Mark
Post by Jeff AndersonAs follow up I noticed that HR data is still being registered (unlike
when walking away from bike to pee) but other data is BLANK and the
graph shows a skip in ALL data...even though HR data is present in
Post by mark mannerPost by Jeff Andersondata stream.
Post by Jeff AndersonHi
I've noticed on my rides lately when my speed goes to Zero (0),
like a
Post by mark mannerstop
Post by Jeff AndersonPost by Jeff Andersonlight, I have a gap in data. Power and cadence are zero as I slow
Post by mark mannerPost by Jeff AndersonPost by Jeff Andersonapproach the light, hr is still registering, and speed drops until
Post by mark mannerstop.
Post by Jeff AndersonPost by Jeff AndersonLooking at raw data, there is none registered when speed is zero.
Post by mark manneras I
Post by Jeff AndersonPost by Jeff Andersonstartup again and speed is registered.....all data is captured.
This feels like a setting on the PT head - any thoughts?
A short pee break does the same and I have to use FIND to get PT
Post by mark mannerto
Post by Jeff AndersonPost by Jeff Andersonfind the HR strap so it is registering again
Jeff Anderson
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